May 02, 2007

Silence is what I best utter.
Has anyone ever said that before? If so, tell me please...
Silence, along with solitude, is sometimes - if not most of the times - the best choice for oneself (or myself only, don't know). Like Thoreau said in Walden (his kind of) solitude is not something bad for you, or sad.

It is not a question of not having friends, or being a freak, a weirdo... It is simply a choice of life, a good choice, I believe.

I was thinking the other day... sometimes i stay alone at home and just don't like the experience of being by myself. In those days i'd rather be in some public place, full of people, but by myself. Could you get it? I'm still trying to figure it out. But i gotta explain it better...

It is like that (something similar also found in Thoreau): you can be surrounded by people and still be alone, in your mind. That's my preferred solitude, specially when i find myself among people, how can i say it, who don't interest me, i don't know... and that's where the silence comes, just a consequence of being alone in my mind and drowning in my thoughts (not that they are great or that there are many of them).

Solitude is usually seen by 'regular' people as something negative, as someone who is sad, who has got depression and sits all day at the corner of a room with his/her head down between his/her knees, not wanting to be near anyone at any time. At least that's how i see other people's view of solitude. And that is not what i am talking about.

As i've said before, i sometimes don't like to stay physically alone, but i praise for this "mind-loneliness", so you can find yourself, you can detach yourself from the standards, from this sometimes noisy and silly society. So you can create your own world - and i make my own cave. Or "my own prison". Suffer in silence.

Just an observation: sometimes i like to be alone among people mainly because i like to observe people, as if i were some other "creature" than human, i.e. the projection of my world, my cave.
Strange, but that's the best i can do using a written language.

Anyway, some other day i'll try to develop this subject or talk about other stuff...

whatever... =p

I guess i didn't make that clear of my solitude... it is more as Thoreau's (read Walden, chapter 5)

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