December 05, 2009

i was thinking...
i hate this world... not earth, nature, but how stupid human beings are able to make it a worse place ("make it a better place"...)...

(acho que não precisa nem falar das diversas exceções humanas que ainda salvam este lugar e o fazem aguentável...)

it's depressing.

October 19, 2009

Happy birthdaayy!!

September 21, 2009

remember, remember...

May 2007... when i used to write about mi inner self... and my dear only reader would understand me... when i spoke silence
June 2007... when a tale was posted... and when we used to talk not directly (well, sometimes you did, dear only reader..)
and all those months, and before that... 2005... when i was just kidding and kidding-ly being mean to you... who would say or imagine..?
October 4, 9 2007
August 17 2009
September 15 for us, 20 to the public/audience 2009

and now hope things will work out in the end
a little poem II

indeed it was nice
offe ring
all the way

that night...

on sep 15

August 19, 2009

17/08/2009, around 14:27

uma pergunta sem contexto...

"O que você acha de 9 de outubro do ano que vem?"

e uma resposta sem demora...


June 02, 2009

a little poem

wouldn't it be nice
all the way

May 04, 2009


acho que pela primeira vez eu quero amigos...

January 24, 2009

your big chance to leave me...
tudo estragado...
