December 31, 2007
December 20, 2007
December 12, 2007
December 07, 2007
December 03, 2007
I spent a day by the river
It was quiet and the wind stood still
I spent some time with nature
To remind me of all that's real
It's funny how silence speaks sometimes when you're alone
And remember that you feel
Again I stand against the Faceless Man
Now I saw a face on the water
It looked humble but willing to fight
I saw the will of a warrior
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
He looked me right in the eyes
Direct and concise to remind me
To always do what's right
Again I stand against the Faceless Man
'Cause if the face inside can't see the light
I know I'll have to walk alone
And if I walk alone to the other side
I know I might not make it home
Again I stand against the Faceless Man
Next time I see this face
I'll say I choose to live for always
So won't you come inside And never go away
November 16, 2007
I know you visit this so-called blog quite often and expect something interestingly and originally new, ou seja, [cerveja] uma inspiração que ó, como tarda a vir...
Escrevo[-te] apenas para espantar as pequenas aranhas que, ao contrário da inspiração, não tardam a vir. (Não que eu não goste delas, são boas companheiras, in fact. Já indiquei Down to You [não, nenhum great movie, mas fofo devido à história de amor e ao cute guy].)
Shit, esqueci o segundo motivo por que escrevo...
how i like this part of Coconut Skins by Damien Rice:
"...or you can brave decisions
before you crumble up inside
spend your time asking everyone else's permission
then run away and hide
you can sit on chimneys
put some fire up your ass
no need to know what you're doing or waiting for
but if anyone should ask...
tell them i've been lickin' coconut skins
and we've been hanging out"
*agora é dear mesmo. More than before...
October 31, 2007
October 16, 2007
(Eclesiástico 20, 1-8)
Há repreensão que não é oportuna,
há quem se cale e se mostre prudente.
É melhor repreender do que irritar-se.
Aquele que se acusa de uma falta evita a pena.
Como eunuco que tenta violar uma jovem,
assim é o que quer fazer justiça pela força.
Há quem se cala e passa por sábio,
há quem se torna antipático de tanto falar.
Há quem se cala por não ter resposta
e há quem se cala sabendo que é oportuno.
O homem sábio calará até o momento oportuno,
mas o loquaz e o insensato desprezam o momento oportuno.
Quem fala muito se torna detestável
e aquele que se arroga autoridade será odiado.
October 02, 2007
September 12, 2007
August 04, 2007
July 19, 2007
Assumir ou não assumir; não é essa a questão.

A satisfação dos desejos justifica os meios?

Tudo bem, eu confesso: esse anúncio realmente me deixou babando. De raiva, claro. Primeiro porque ignora a singularidade de cada indivíduo, sua característica essencial de ser único e, portanto, com gostos únicos. Tenho uma sobrinha de oito anos que não come carne, sempre torceu o nariz e trancou os lábios. É vegetariana de nascença. Ora, ela mentiria se dissesse que aquele pedaço marrom não a atrai?
Ao afirmar que vegetarianos não assumem seu desejo, os publicitários do anúncio querem dizer que há uma espécie de verdade absoluta para o “gostar”? Não, acho que não são tão burros. O que querem é vender o produto de seu cliente, e, para isso, usam uma estratégia eficiente: se comprar o que te oferecem, você fará parte de um grupo, será aceito socialmente. Sempre dá certo. Do cigarro à cachaça. As mulheres, por exemplo, parecem saídas de uma mesma forma. Sob o pretexto de “se sentirem melhor com o próprio corpo”, só se diferenciam na quantidade do silicone. Na verdade, essas mulheres só se sentem melhores com o próprio corpo se ele se assemelhar o máximo possível ao vendido pela mídia.
A tática da padronização é tão eficaz que mesmo os excluídos querem convencer a maioria padronizada a mudar de lado. Para citar dois casos: 1) os homossexuais: muitos costumam dizer que só se é hetero até provar do negócio; depois, já era; 2) muitos de nós, vegetarianos. Quem já tentou convencer todo mundo a parar de comer carne levante a mão! Eu levanto as duas.
Voltemos à carne do anúncio. Outro motivo de fúria foi ter meu gosto estético subestimado. Nós, vegetarianos e vegans, gostamos de cores, principalmente das produzidas pela natureza para atiçar o paladar. Não é à toa que Adão mordeu a maçã (e não um fofo coelhinho que saltitava pelo paraíso). Agora – perdoem-me o palavreado logo num primeiro artigo – mas, a primeira vez que vi a foto, achei que fosse cocô de elefante. Não, nunca vi cocô de elefante, mas deve ser grande... Pensando bem, elefantes são vegetarianos e seus cocôs devem ter um aspecto bem mais agradável que o do cadáver da foto; além de servirem para adubar a terra. Que maravilha! Virei fã de elefante. Já pensou o tal publicitário tentando convencê-los – pobre animais – de que precisam de carne? “Vocês ainda vão ficar anêmicos, fracos e pálidos”.
Pra terminar o assunto – a carne já está cheirando mal – pergunto aos senhores publicitários: a satisfação do desejo – como quer o anúncio – justifica todos os meios? Se for assim, não se pode condenar alguém por matar um dono de BMW para roubar-lhe o carro. Afinal, o “bandido” estaria satisfazendo o seu desejo, que é ter um carro importado. (Confessem: todo mundo quer ter um carro importado!)
Vegans e vegetarianos têm outros motivos que justificam sua postura. A razão principal não é "não gostar de carnes", seja por terem gosto ruim seja por fazerem mal à saúde. É que para nós, os meios utilizados para satisfazer o desejo da gula – tortura, crueldade e violência contra
animais – não justificam os fins.
July 03, 2007
gildotravassos: | how about your kingdom? is there any princess in danger to be saved by a brave knight? |
Anonymous --: | yes, there is a princess... |
Anonymous --: | she's been waiting for a brave knight for quite a long time... |
Anonymous --: | so call him... |
gildotravassos: | okay.. just a minute |
gildotravassos: | ..... |
Anonymous --: | ok.. |
gildotravassos: | here I am!!! |
Anonymous --: | hey!! |
gildotravassos: | princess? |
Anonymous --: | yes |
Anonymous --: | save me from Bowser |
gildotravassos: | Bowser? who´s this? |
Anonymous --: | |
gildotravassos: | Princess, |
gildotravassos: | and save you |
gildotravassos: | or i am not called El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha! |
Anonymous --: | ohh |
gildotravassos: | PREPARE TO DIE, OGRE!!!!!! |
gildotravassos: | AAAAAHHHH!! |
gildotravassos: | clang clang |
Anonymous --: | go, go, my knight |
gildotravassos: | uhhh |
Anonymous --: | i knew you could do it! |
gildotravassos: | It´s done. |
Anonymous --: | =D |
gildotravassos: | now i shall climb this tower, kill the dragon, and save you |
gildotravassos: | but first i must kill all those turtles |
Anonymous --: | yess |
Anonymous --: | !! |
gildotravassos: | clang clang - são onomatopéias |
gildotravassos: | clang |
gildotravassos: | ahhhh |
Anonymous --: | !!! |
gildotravassos: | DIE, MONSTER!!! |
gildotravassos: | CLANG |
gildotravassos: | CLANG |
Anonymous --: | go go |
gildotravassos: | UHHHH |
gildotravassos: | I´LL SAVE YOU!!! |
gildotravassos: | CLANG |
Anonymous --: | don't die!!!!! |
Anonymous --: | you can do it!! go |
gildotravassos: | UHH! |
gildotravassos: | MY HORSE ROCINANTE IS DEAD |
gildotravassos: | BUT I SHAN´T GIVE UP |
gildotravassos: | I´LL DO IT FOR YOU PRINCESS!! |
Anonymous --: | dear knight! your reward shall be great |
gildotravassos: | AHHHH! |
gildotravassos: | CLANG!!! |
Anonymous --: | yes! |
gildotravassos: | I DID IT!! |
gildotravassos: | DID IT FOR YOU! |
Anonymous --: | thank you, my knight!! |
Anonymous --: | =D |
gildotravassos: | the only reward i ask you is to permit me to kiss your hand. |
Anonymous --: | permitted |
gildotravassos: | señorita. |
Anonymous --: | but what you did was so great that you deserve more... you may become a prince. |
gildotravassos: | señora de minh'alma...... |
Anonymous --: | sì |
gildotravassos: | would you like to live hapilly ever after...... with me? |
Anonymous --: | ohh... sure. I shall be very happy |
gildotravassos: | |
Anonymous --: | |
gildotravassos: | |
Anonymous --: | |
Anonymous --: | |
gildotravassos: | |
gildotravassos: | princess, you're my true love. |
Anonymous --: | so art thou, my prince. |
gildotravassos: | |
Anonymous --: | =* |
gildotravassos: | this brave knight also wants to see his beloved outside the Mushromm Kingdom |
Anonymous --: | oh, ok. but the princess has never been outside her kingdom... |
Anonymous --: | she knows of no world besides this |
gildotravassos: | and what does it mean, my princess? |
Anonymous --: | that she might be afraid of going to other kingdoms |
gildotravassos: | have no fear, my love. i shall protect thou. |
Anonymous --: | ok... if you say so... |
Anonymous --: | i trust you, you have proved to be very brave |
gildotravassos: | there are hundreds of pseudo-places in this huge world where we can go... |
Anonymous --: | hum... |
Anonymous --: | i've only heard about Far Far Away... |
gildotravassos: | |
Anonymous --: | =] |
June 11, 2007
May 30, 2007
You've said i should post something, even if it was only a few lines... so here it is.
I'll quote Thoreau again because there is this sentence i find also very interesting and i haven't mentioned it yet.
"I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude." (Chapter 5, Solitude)
I guess our fellow Thoreau was right... anyway, i won't repeat what i wrote on the other post (May 02, Silence is what i best utter)
May 22, 2007
Sometimes i feel like having to call The Ghostbusters!
It may sound that i'm making a fuss about such a thing, a little thing... but in fact i got over it...
I knew right from the beginning - when i'd decided to write things that i think - that only foolishness and nonsense would come out... and here we are! I'll keep doing it because i have fun with it... and maybe one day i'll write something useful or intelligible... aah whatever! =p
or even something with a real subject!
The solitude topic was the only thing i could write... and some "poetic" analogy of the cave (which is commonly used).
May 19, 2007
*time was needed to evolve from the previous situation to this one, as i said
Those memories i talked about before seem to have ceased but now they have turned into little ghosts that once in a while come to visit the cave. If one is strong it is not difficult to knock them off...
May 06, 2007
Good memories keep haunting my cave. But why haunting if they are good [memories]?
Because i have to forget them in order to avoid (more) sorrow.
A loss of memory would fit perfectly for this situation. lol. It would end the haunting thing once and for all.
I'm writing it mostly for what i felt some weeks ago... today i can say that i have almost gotten it over. And it seems funnier and funnier while time passes...
That's just the way it is.
Too good to be true.
May 02, 2007
Has anyone ever said that before? If so, tell me please...
Silence, along with solitude, is sometimes - if not most of the times - the best choice for oneself (or myself only, don't know). Like Thoreau said in Walden (his kind of) solitude is not something bad for you, or sad.
It is not a question of not having friends, or being a freak, a weirdo... It is simply a choice of life, a good choice, I believe.
I was thinking the other day... sometimes i stay alone at home and just don't like the experience of being by myself. In those days i'd rather be in some public place, full of people, but by myself. Could you get it? I'm still trying to figure it out. But i gotta explain it better...
It is like that (something similar also found in Thoreau): you can be surrounded by people and still be alone, in your mind. That's my preferred solitude, specially when i find myself among people, how can i say it, who don't interest me, i don't know... and that's where the silence comes, just a consequence of being alone in my mind and drowning in my thoughts (not that they are great or that there are many of them).
Solitude is usually seen by 'regular' people as something negative, as someone who is sad, who has got depression and sits all day at the corner of a room with his/her head down between his/her knees, not wanting to be near anyone at any time. At least that's how i see other people's view of solitude. And that is not what i am talking about.
As i've said before, i sometimes don't like to stay physically alone, but i praise for this "mind-loneliness", so you can find yourself, you can detach yourself from the standards, from this sometimes noisy and silly society. So you can create your own world - and i make my own cave. Or "my own prison". Suffer in silence.
Just an observation: sometimes i like to be alone among people mainly because i like to observe people, as if i were some other "creature" than human, i.e. the projection of my world, my cave.
Strange, but that's the best i can do using a written language.
Anyway, some other day i'll try to develop this subject or talk about other stuff...
whatever... =p
I guess i didn't make that clear of my solitude... it is more as Thoreau's (read Walden, chapter 5)
April 24, 2007
by Alter Bridge
I've been defeated and brought down
Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
The time has come to change my ways
On this day
I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all
Leave it all behind
I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back I'll fight to remain
On this day
I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day
It's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive
Fear will kill me
All I could be
Lift these sorrows
Let me breathe
Could you set me free
Could you set me free
On this day
I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
We'll leave it all behind
On this day
It's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive