May 22, 2007

Remember i said - on the topic below - that it was not difficult to knock them off?
Sometimes i feel like having to call The

It may sound that i'm making a fuss about such a thing, a little thing... but in fact i got over it...

I knew right from the beginning - when i'd decided to write things that i think - that only f
oolishness and nonsense would come out... and here we are! I'll keep doing it because i have fun with it... and maybe one day i'll write something useful or intelligible... aah whatever! =p
or even something with a real subject!
The solitude topic was the only thing i could write... and some "poetic" analogy of the cave (which is commonly used).


astrojiudo said...

so, you´re not strong, eh?

Mastriani said...

dear friend,
i really don't know if i'm strong... i guess i'm strong just on the surface =pp or sometimes i am

astrojiudo said...

maybe you´re strong, since you say you have fun with it, or perhaps this is a signal that you are (trying to seem) insensitive....

Mastriani said...

yeah... nice one...
i'm somewhere in between these two...
(i'm never sure, you might have already noticed)

astrojiudo said...

don´t you mean theese three??

Mastriani said...

don't know... ã?

astrojiudo said...

hmm, my dear, haven´t you ever noticed that pseudo-intellectuals are always trying to utter sentences with thousands of meanings by means of some devices like parentheses or quotation marks?

Mastriani said...

yes, fellow, thanks for reminding me that fact... and that's true, indeed...
and they (or we?) don't necessarily need the parentheses or quotation marks...
even the silence I utter is full of meanings


astrojiudo said...